My library Online!
Auto Repair Database
Is your car making a funny noise? Visit our online Auto Repair Database for automotive information dating back to 1945 for all major makes and models.
If you are accessing this database outside the library you will be asked for a password, which you can get by calling 225-3241, 933-5254 or 287-3763.
Heritage Quest Online
A genealogy database to help you research your family. In the library look for Heritage Quest in favorites or outside the library click on the above link. If you are accessing this database outside the library you will be asked for your library card number.
Infotrac Magazine Database
Infotrac is a database containing close to a million magazine, encyclopedia and newspaper articles on thousands of topics. Many are full-text with photos and can be printed. You will need to enter a password to access this outside of the library. Call one of our libraries for the password.
Net Library
Net Library is collection of e-books that can be read on your computer. Most are non-fiction titles. You need to visit one of our libraries to set up an account and then you will be able to access the collection from outside the library.